Mark Bruno did.
Mark is a Happy Grasshopper client and a team leader from the Monterey Peninsula in California (check out his website). He recently emailed us to let us know how things were going:
“Your system is working great. It is weeding out some of the old dead weight and helping us generate appointments right out of the chute. Thanks again for having such a great product!”
After reading that, we had to give him a call for more details, right?
He was gracious enough to talk with us. “We had old leads I’d given up on. We’d been trying to reach some of those leads for years. Then, within a few weeks of connecting with them through Happy Grasshopper, we made dozens of appointments and we’re already scheduling closings with some of them.”
Mark is also happy he’s no longer wasting his valuable time: “We were trying to contact people who’d purchased their home from someone else two years ago.”
“Happy Grasshopper is an amazing conversation starter.”
We asked him how he knew that.
“Because they responded to me and let me know. Happy Grasshopper is an amazing conversation starter.”
Who knows? Those same people could be referring Mark to some of their friends and family right now.
If you have a pile of old leads sitting in your database collecting virtual dust, re-engaging them could lead to your own happy story.
And that’s not all. Want to make more money from your new leads? Wish you got more referrals from your database? Now is the time.
Schedule a demo with one of Happy Grasshopper’s e-nurturing experts. You’ll love what our personalized follow-up solutions can do.