Practice Makes Perfect
A few weeks back, Kris Lindahl shared the 5 activities that will get you to the top: attitudes that, when practiced regularly, help force you to rise above your competition. This was can’t-miss information that had to be stopped short when we ran out of time. But, and we say this in our spookiest Halloween voice…
We’re baaaack. =)
- Lead Generation
It goes without saying that before we can convert a lead, we need to generate some in order to do so. There are many ways to do this, one of the biggest being social media. It’s no secret that Kris Lindahl owes much of his success to social media. He’s an absolute monster at utilizing social media as a tool for success. Notice I said utilization right? That’s because social media by itself isn’t going to do the trick, you need to do it right.
The first thing to point out is that the very thing that makes social media amazing, makes it dangerous: people are always watching. Always. That means you need to put extra thought into what you post, how you post, and how you respond to comments on your page. Additionally, a positive focus on your social media presence goes a long way in building viewers and trust. Are you part of a charity or event? Highlight that. Is there a local story that shows good in the community? Post it!
It doesn’t have to be real estate-centric to provide value to your viewers. It just has to be authentic…
The next step is one of those “write it down and put it in my back pocket” kind of things… I’ll give you a second to grab a pen – have it?
Kris spoke about a few fellow agents that rely entirely on SEO. They focus on page position, key wording, and Google rank, because it’s become their bread and butter. But what if Google changes their algorithm? I say “if”, but really it’s just a matter of “when”, because Google will eventually change their algorithm and that page ranking could plummet.
Kris and the other top producers all have one thing in common: they use everything. Social media, IDX, SEO, Portals (Trulia, Zillow etc.), and everything in between. This is a numbers game – if you cast a wide net, you have the best chance on a return. If you diversify yourself and spread your lead sources out, you’ll see the ROI shortly thereafter.
Lead Conversion
Lead conversion really comes down to two crucial things: skills and technology. These two things, when paired together, help you bring in the new leads you’ve generated. Let’s take a look at some important skills and technology.
- Ability – This is more innate than anything. Use your natural ability to close.
- Problem Solving – Problems are going to happen. It’s inevitable. The better, and faster you deal with them will dictate your success.
- Follow-Up – All those leads you’ve generated mean nothing if you’re not connecting with them regularly. Happy Grasshopper can help you with that!
- Organization – Stay organized at all times to make the most of your leads.
- Consistency – Success has never been a one-and-done endeavor. Practice and repeat every day!
- MLS Search for listings
- CRM for managing you
- Phone/SMS Marketing
- Happy Grasshopper to follow-up and engage your past clients, sphere, and convert new leads! A little biased, we know. =)
This next step won’t be too in-depth, mainly because it’s largely self-explanatory. It’s not just about your skills and technology, but how you leverage them to work for you. Many times, an agent will over think this part and go too far, changing everything they’ve been doing.
This is not necessary.
The point of leveraging is to acquire the right talent and tech to work for you. If you have a CRM that’s working for you, don’t change it just because another agent has a glowing recommendation. Why mess with success?! Utilizing IDX and a high-level CRM will keep you organized, consistent, and top-of-mind with your clients. The last piece of the leverage puzzle is our fourth and last step…
Recruiting a team isn’t nearly as important as recruiting the right team. In order for those you hire to be truly effective, they need to fit your personality and culture. All the recruits in the world won’t help your business if they’re not on board with your vision and what you want to achieve!
One way to do this is through a DISC assessment, or personality profile. There are literally hundreds of these on the internet (many of them free), that help you get a clearer understanding of how a potential employee operates and communicates. These profiles can be used to align yourself with people that are like-minded to what you are wanting to accomplish. A few questions to ask yourself when looking for new recruits:
- Do they fit your work culture?
- Are they a good match for your sales technique?
- Do they have anything to add to your team you don’t currently have?
- Can you see them working long-term?
That wraps up our 4 more activities that will get you to the top. Big shout out to Kris Lindahl again for imparting his wisdom upon us and our viewers! Make sure to sign up for our next webinar and watch this one here– stay tuned and thanks for reading. =)