That’s the way Todd Clark sees the relationships he has with his clients and past customers. See, he knows what lots of professionals–no matter which industry they’re in–fail to recognize: people don’t need to be beaten over the head with information about YOU or YOUR JOB. If they’re being treated as friends, they’ll respond. See how that works? And, as Todd can tell you, it’s not as complicated or cockamamie as you might think.
A Happy Grasshopper that hops to the beat of a different drum.
Todd, a REALTOR® who’s been in the business for about 8 years, has been a customer of ours almost from the beginning–about two and a half years now–and says he’s had great success with Happy Grasshopper since the get-go. In fact, he says that he got 3 deals (yes, you read that right: THREE) from his very first Happy Grasshopper message. That’s a pretty impressive result.
Even more impressive.
On average, Todd says he gets between 3-5 responses each and every time a Happy Grasshopper message is sent to his list of folks. The thing that’s really striking about this, however, is that his list only contains 17 people. That, friends, is an almost 30% response rate. Make no mistake: this is not his open rate–these are RESPONSES.
One of the unique things about Todd is that he works, primarily, with short sale clients. He uses Happy Grasshopper to serve this group not just because he doesn’t want to bombard them with salesy promotional materials, but because he’s sensitive to what they have been or are going through. Sometimes, being reminded of the real estate market can pour salt on a wound that’s not entirely healed. Happy Grasshopper lets Todd keep in touch with his customers in a way that’s sensitive to their situations. They know he’s thinking about him, but they’re not constantly reminded of something unpleasant.
Raining it in.
Todd is an agent who understands that “shiny” doesn’t necessarily equate to success. A prolific blogger (with a sizable following) on Active Rain, he’s stayed with and remained true to the platform because it doesn’t just work for him, it works for his customers and helps him find new ones for his team at Keller Williams. He knows that, sometimes, simple really is better. He uses Active Rain and Happy Grasshopper to engender community and friendship with his customers. He loves that HG is a service he doesn’t even have to think about and can still use with confidence. He rests easy knowing that his customers will be well taken care of, that they’ll know he’s not forgotten them, and he does it all by treating them as friends.
That’s the key to it. Treat your customers like they’re your friends. And yes, it’s just that easy.