Inman released an article by Will Caldwell on how real estate agents can remain relevant to their clients after the sale — you can read it here. This is definitely an important topic, since, even with all of today’s technology, only 17% of homeowners use their real estate agent for more than one transaction.
We have to agree that real estate agents need to find an efficient way to engage their past clients, and they do need to steer away from email blasts if they want to engage the up and coming Millennial generation. We’d also like to point out, that doesn’t mean throwing away email entirely, and remaining relevant can be simpler than tracking past clients’ cellphone locations.
1. First and foremost — relationships are always relevant to any age group.
When a consumer works with a real estate agent who is worth working with again, they have most likely built a relationship.
Yes, it’s important to have a solid foundation in market data for your role and to share local information with your clients — we wholeheartedly agree. However, after working closely with someone, wouldn’t it undermine your relationship with them to only communicate on the basis of cold numbers and information on service providers?
Why not focus on messaging that further fosters the relationship?
You can always share data with your peoplebase, but backed by a relationship, it becomes so much more powerful.
2. Millennials are still checking email.
The Next Web makes a phenomenal point: apps come and go. Even the most-used apps change — constantly. Even so, they are all rooted in email, and you can’t sign up for an app without an email address. With mobile-optimized email to reach this connected generation, valuable content will still catch their attention.
3. Email is easy.
When it comes to implementing systems that will help agents remain in-touch and relevant to past clients, targeted, personalized email is so much easier to automate than iBeacon technology — no tracking or special tools required.
According to the way Will Caldwell suggests it be used, iBeacon would trigger when past clients come close to a For Sale sign and send them market data. However, if a contact just bought a house and is in the process of moving in…wouldn’t they be confused getting market data on a different house at that time?
The bottom line is, relationships are always relevant, and email is always easy, especially with targeted, personalized automation. We love this conversation and are very glad that Will initiated it…and if you’re looking for a simple way to remain relevant with past clients, email is still your answer.