Today’s Buyers Want:
- A deal
- Access to Pre-Listed Homes
- A knowledgable professional
- Fast Response (5 minutes)
- Reliable Follow-Up
There are 32,105 Foreclosure homes in the Chicago area – only 57% of them are listed in the MLS. Here are some great tips that Bob shared on how to leverage foreclosures and BPOs to generate leads and grow your business:
Tip #1 – Leverage Facebook
Build this Facebook ad – Get Your FREE Chicago Foreclosure List
-Direct that ad to a landing page on Facebook that does lead capture. You get their contact information and a new Facebook Fan!
Tip #2 – Look Professional, Provide Fast Response, and Give Reliable Follow-Up
Create a digital REO Notebook with Evernote. When you take a client out to show them properties, give them them the iPad. Let them take notes on the properties as you show them, then email them a link to your Evernote presentation.
Tip #3 – Offer the deal!
Hold Open Houses for Foreclosures – (Consumers want this and it will drive leads to you!)
** Bob did an A/B test. He offered a paper sign in sheet at one open house and offered Open Home Pro (FREE APP) – at another. Open Home Pro blew the paper sign in sheet away for getting people to sign up. As soon as your open house ends, Open Home Pro will immediately email everyone who signed in the information from the home along with your contact details.
How do you work with Asset Managers?
Asset Managers are looking for people who look:
- Professional
- Certified and Trainer Agents
- Liquid Funds $
- Local Market Knowledge
- Fast Response
- Reliable Follow-Up
Tip #4 – Equator will offer you great exposure to Asset Managers.
- 90% of all asset managers use Equator to track bank owner property
- Get Platinum Certified – $499 yr. (WORTH IT!)
- Complete Your Entire Profile
- Realistic Zip Codes (Limit it to 5)
- Complete all of the tasks in setting up your account.
- Communicate with the community
- DO accurate BPOs
Atlantic & Pacific Real Estate has a full service asset management division. You can learn more here –
Or connect with Bob Watson @TopBrokerOC on Twitter.