Real Estate Marketing Redefined
Scott Stratten is Canadian.
This means, naturally, that he watches hockey. He watches it ALL THE TIME. He eats bacon, drinks only Molson & Moosehead, says “eh” at the end of every sentence, loves Rush, and above all else, is polite on a level that cannot be imagined by most Americans. Or even seals (noted among the friendliest animals … don’t get all spun up).
So when his dander gets up because a particular company or industry is doing things in a way that just doesn’t make sense, well, he’s likely to say, “GOSH!” Or some variant thereof.
He has such words for the Real Estate Industry.
On Scott’s blog, Unmarketing (you can also find him on Twitter–where folks might tell you he’s kind of a big deal–@unmarketing–and on Facebook under the same name), he talks about businesses that do things GREAT (and he’s got lots of examples) and businesses that DON’T. He helps REALTORS® and the industry at large UNLEARN what you think you know.
The D.E.A. of Douchebaggery.
Scott’s got a knack for calling out those folks who are taking great stuff and making it ridiculous and, for lack of a better word, douchey. He maintains that there is no other industry that has the potential to capitalize on social media than Real Estate, and yet most real estate professionals are using these media in the most unfathomable, consumer-averse ways possible. QR codes? He says they kill kittens. Twitter? There are better ways to use it than to behave like Chip & Dale and constantly say “Thank you, you’re awesome!” then “No, YOU’RE awesome!” and then “Well, my GOODNESS! Aren’t you awesome for telling me that I’m awesome!” He wants folks in real estate to use social media so that they’re tantamount to bacon-eating unicorns riding on comets. He wants you to be THAT AWESOME.
Telling it like it IS.
Scott’s gonna lay it out, to be sure. But he’s also going to make sure, when all is said and done, that agents will have the tools and the information (not to mention the internal sugar-coated bacon) to do business in a way that works and in a way that doesn’t make you seem like all you care about is you. Because that’s no way to get things done. He wants people to build trust by being awesome, not by handing out their business cards to every person they meet on the street.
I’ve had the chance to hear him at several conferences and not once was I not blown away by what he had to say. He’s hilarious and smart and pulls no punches. He tells it exactly like it is and give you what you need to go forth and conquer. If you have the opportunity to see him at a conference, you must hear him speak.