Want to Build a Better Team?

Eventually, every entrepreneur realizes he (or she … yes, we know) can’t do everything himself (see above). Running a business is hard work and there’s lots of it. There’s simply too much to do to try and go it alone. It’s unscalable. To achieve success, we must rely on others to help us get there. It’s an absolute. But who? To whom can we entrust our vision?

The trajectory of your success is directly tethered to the quality of the people on your team. Who you select to join you is of paramount importance. The wrong hire, the wrong fit, and recruiting people just to have warm bodies on staff can kill your precious endeavor. But worse, those activities can prevent your business–and you–from reaching its potential. It can turn the vehicle that was supposed to empower your dreams into just another J. O. B.

Recruiting the right person, however, and enabling them to WIN can be just about the most fun and rewarding facet of building your business. When the right people are in the right roles, a synergy (please excuse my buzzword, but it fits, darn it) develops that has some unexpected (and wondrous) benefits.

It’s magnetic. A great team attracts great teammates (and great customers!)

It’s contagious. Pretty soon, everyone’s talking about you, your company, your team, and the great work you’re doing.

It’s inspiring. Good people working together become great. Great people working together become outstanding. Outstanding people working together create the experiences we remember for the rest of our lives.

At the end of the day, it’s about authentic human connection. People want to know that you really care about helping them achieve their dreams. They want to know they can learn from you. They want to know that their voices are heard and that their opinions matter. They want to know they’re valued. They want to know that they’re safe with you.

Everybody wants to talk about their brand and their culture and how much money you can make and why XYZ is the best and only place to be. But it’s really about so much less than those marketing fireworks for the people in the trenches. People decide where to go based on their relationship with and opinion of the person recruiting them.

Recruiting done right!

That’s why Happy Grasshopper writes custom recruiting campaigns.

We want to help you recruit people by identifying exactly who you are, what you stand for, your strengths, and the things you care about. We’ll help you start conversations about those things to attract the people you want on your team and we’ll do it in keeping with Happy Grasshopper’s high standards, meaning that it will be effortless and you will get results right away.

Given its goal of adding the right people to your team, the tool will pay for itself in short order. What’s the value, after all, of adding just one indispensable person to your team?

Getting started is easy. Take our quick assessment and we will follow-up to show you exactly how we are helping our clients recruit more agents. When you are ready our team of writers will create a recruting campaign that you can trigger anytime by simply adding a contact to your account.

Recruiting with Happy Grasshopper: It’s simple, it’s effective, and it’s just what you’d expect from the experts in email for salespeople.

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