What makes someone a Happy Grasshopper? A lead and that is what I got!

Getting Back in Touch

We all have them, past clients, that we lose touch with for whatever reason, but how do you get back in touch with them without sounding like you are pressuring them for leads? Well, I came across Happy Grasshopper here in the rain and thought, what the heck I should give them a try.

The First Step

What I did is put in customers that I hadn’t talked to or emailed in over a year. I know that should have never happened in the first place, but on December 8th, 2009 my laptop was stolen and I thought I had lost most of my database. I later found back-ups of the contacts on that computer, but some still didn’t make it over to my new CRM software program.

So here is this website telling me that they can keep in contact with my past clients and get me more leads and they were even willing to give me a free trial to test it out. So, I put in only 16 client emails first out of 50 free that I was being offered and something amazing happened.

And a Quick Turn Around

Just a few minutes after the email went out, I got an email back from a past client, then another and yet another. Yes, I got 3 emails back saying how wonderful it was that I emailed them… this was out of only 16 emails. I got an 18% return on my free marketing! Dang, how the heck did they do that with, if I remember correctly, was a one-line statement about the Superbowl?

Now, here is the best part, not only did I get these 3 people getting back in touch with me after a year of not hearing from me in any way, shape or form, one even gave me a lead. Not just a buyer lead, but a buyer that needed to sell first. These guys are amazing! I have to admit when I first saw it, I thought, this would never work, how stupid, but I have to apologize, boy was I wrong!

If you are looking to reach out to past clients, heck even current clients, for more referrals and to keep you in front of your clients, then I suggest you check out Happy Grasshopper and see your business start hopping again.


This article was originally published by Todd Clark on February 23, 2011.

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